انتشارات هدهد

hodhod publication

انتشارات هدهد

hodhod publication

انتشارات هدهد

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
«لَهُمُ البُشری فِی الحَیوٰةِ الدُنیا و فی الاخره، لا تبدیلَ لِکلماتِ الله ، ذالک هُوَ الفُوْزُ العَظیم» (یونس 64) آنها را پیوسته بشارت است هم در حیات دنیا (به مکاشفات در عالم خواب) و هم در آخرت (به نعمتهای بهشت). سخنان خدا را تغییر و تبدیلی نیست، این است فیروزی بزرگ.
اللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلی سَیِّدِنا مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِهِ، مَا اخْتَلَفَ الْمَلَوانِ وَ تَعاقَبَ الْعَصْرانِ وَ کَرَّ الْجَدیدانِ وَ اسْتَــقْــبَلَ الْفَرْقَدانِ وَ بَلِّغْ روحَهُ وَاَرْواحَ اَهْلِبَــیْـتِهِ مِنَّا التَّحِیَّةَ وَالسَّلامِ.
بار خدایا بر آقای ما حضرت محّمد و آلش درود فرست به عدد اختلاف رنگها و به عدد سپیده صبحها و زردی غروبهایی که آمده و خواهد آمد و به عدد تکرار شب و روز و به تعداد ستاره هایی که طلوع می کنند و به محضر روح پیامبر اکرم و ارواح طیبّه اهل بیت او از طرف ما درود و سلام برسان.
ارادتمند و ملتمس دعا : غلام غلامان اهلبیت
محمد حسین صادقی - مدیر انتشارات هدهد
شماره مجوز از وزارت ارشاد : ۹۹۹
مذهبی، آموزشی، هنر و ادبیات
هدهد ، پیام آور عشق و فرزانگی
مشاوره ، ویرایش و چاپ کتاب
افست - دیجیتال
Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi
Manager of Hodhod Publication

متن کتاب تنت tent قسمت دوم

چهارشنبه, ۲۴ فروردين ۱۴۰۱، ۰۶:۱۱ ق.ظ

In The Name of Allah​​​ 

​​​​​TENT part 2.  Read part 1 here



Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi

Hodhod publication


summer 2020 –1399


This book is free to publish worldwide for everyone But if released, please let me know

 manager of hodhod publication. tel: 00989176112253

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سرشناسه :  ص‍ادق‍ی‌، م‍ح‍م‍د ح‍س‍ی‍ن‌، ‏۱۳۳۹ -‏

Sadeghi, Mohammad Hossein

Tent: English poems and free verses

by Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi

‏مشخصات نشر: زرقان : هدهد‏، ۱۳۹9‏= ۲۰20م.

‏مشخصات ظاهری: ‏۹۶ ص.‏؛ ۵/۱۴×۵/۲۱ س‌م.

‏شابک : 0-15-2508-964- 978 ؛  قیمت : 14صلوات

‏وضعیت فهرست نویسی: فیپا

‏یادداشت: انگلیسی.

‏آوانویسی عنوان: تنت...

‏موضوع : شعر انگلیسی -- قرن‏ ۲۰م.‏

‏موضوع : English poetry -- 20th century

‏رده بندی کنگره : ‏PR

‏رده بندی دیویی : ‏۸۲۱/۹۲

‏شماره کتابشناسی ملی :  ۵۲۹۶۶۲۵


Book name  : Tent


Poet and writer  : Mohammad Hossein Sadeghi

First Edition : Summer 2020 -1399

by Hodhod Publication

00989 176 112253

Cover designer  : Alireza Zare

ISBN  : 978-964-2508-15-0

©All rights reserved


Price : 14 Salavat

At the Beach of Eternity 


The whole Cosmos that can be seen 

Is smaller than an Amoeba 

In an endless Ocean; 

And the candle of spirit is glimmering in both.

And the distance between being and nonexistence

is a twinkle of soul. 

If you can see the spirit of an Amoeba 

You will observe thousands Cosmoses 

At its beach of Eternity, 

So, we are such little 

And such great. 





Each living creature loves peaceful life 

so innately fights against aggressors 

and defense makes the defenders stronger.

Usually the rich sources are attacked by invaders

And giving up is equal to death. 

this is our story at a glance 

during our glorious history 

we hate all of the war beginners 

and we love our unknown Patriots. 



The sad world is looking for delight 

and fortune is as rare as the Gabriel feather[7]

And the garden of words is gloomy 


We belong to the family of 


“mountain” is my father 

“sea” is my mother 

“trees” are my brothers 

And “stars” my sisters 

Those infinite exclamatory and question marks are my cousins 

And “you” are my friends 


The world is a complex dictionary 

Some of us are Nouns, Verbs, etc. 

Regular or irregular, 

And all of us are meaningful and important words 

And none of us can be erased form that lexicon 

If so, the being glossary would be incomplete 


We are words 

And live in the world of words 

A few of us are high frequent and some are less 

Some of us are summarized in a short single line 

And some should be interpreted by more than one world

Some of us are proverbs, idioms, slangs 

And even taboos 


We are words 

And stand for our thoughts 

We are flags of our thoughts kingdom 

And we are symbolic movable signs of our aspirations

All of us are searching for lucks 

And prosperity happens at minds 

And our good fortune is product of our thoughts 

And thoughts are spirit of words 

And words are spirit of world 

And the world is sad 

And the words are gloomy 

Each of us is a word 

Each of us is a world 

And the world is searching for shiny words 

Oh LOVE, come and shatter our untrue world  

And refresh our glossary words. 


October 31, 2008 / Azar 5, 1387 


An Elegy for Flight 655 


My little brave canoe of love 

is carrying my furious volcano of revenge 

In a familiar stormy sea 

and an unknown dark night. 

The canoe is mourning and searching the Blood Vortex 

In an endless beginning tide 

and a crowded loneliness, 

and the volcano is going to awake 

The Damavand[8]  and Fuji Yuma’s[9] spirits at once together 

to elegize and eternalize the saddest narration of love and life's 


in memories of Hiroshima and Nagazaki[10] 

and Iranian Flight[11] number 655  


To find the depth of the massacre 

let's light our candles of hearts in the chest of history 

by Putting ourselves instead of those innocent peace messengers.

Let's imagine the bloody moments 

And rebuild and review the massacre: 

It was lunch time of Sunday July 3, 1988 

The waitresses were serving the packed foods 

And the mothers were feeding their dear ones 

and speaking to each other happily. 

The Iron bird was calmly flying at sky 

On the usual path of civilian flights,  

The space of j ourney was full of sweet fragrance of affections.

And everything was OK 

Suddenly, the whole thing was ended 

by missile of the damned Vincennes 

And 290 torn bodies were dancing 

From the sky to the sea 

And the Persian Gulf became their purplish grave. 

They had no time to understand what happened 

Even, the parents couldn't hug their children, 

Accordingly, "the Axis of Evils" said: 

"I'm not an apologize-for-America kind of guy." 

And foolishly regarded the massacre as closed, 

But every free thinker regards it as an open issue forever 

As the unforgettable memories of Hiroshima and nagazaki. 

Surely, we have power and right to avenge 

But we never pay back evil by evil 

We give peace flowers to US nation and all human beings, 

This is our heavenly revenge. 

The Bull’s Eye 


I’m a target 

a double-faced target 

My chest and back are painted with colored circles

The smallest one is the Golden point of dueling,

and one who can exactly shoot at my heart 

is the final winner. 

And the Warmongers and Arms dealers are always winners.

And I've been the holy loser forever. 

As a traditional and historical target 

I'm the center point of existence and humanity

I'm your mother 

Do not aim at me, dear. 





When you are sitting hopelessly 

in the flames of anxiety and loneliness, 

A pleasant gift 

is neither a red rose nor a love letter 

and not a heart-marked undergarment 

but a Piece of Peace News. 


When the floods of bloods 

are running, madly here and there 

When the people are used as 

Experimental Guinea Pigs 

By researchers of Satanic Powers 

When the horror of the Mushroom Clouds 

cast a vast shadow on the dreams of the world  

when the brain of Earth is inflamed with 

the horrible tumor of Atomic weapons 

and one of them may visit you 

or your anonymous friends 

before or after 24 October[12] (1945-10-24) 


no present is more desirable and ideal 

than a piece of peace news. 

Satan’s bed fellows 


Angels are still crying 

for the innocent victims of terrorism 

who were burnt and buried 

in such a huge vertical grave. 

Who is responsible for this massacre 

that injured the hearts of sky and earth?

Mafia and Terrorism 

are two wings of devilish politicians 

that no one is safe from the tricks of 

these hated little Demons. 

Angels are crying still 

not only for the innocent victims of 

11th September of 2001 

but also for the previous and the next victims

of those Satan’s bed fellows. 


Canonical LOVE 


Love is not the unbridled lustful nasty pleasures.

It's a holy lasting fondness  

Between Creatures and the Creator 

And has different meanings and levels:

Fondness between Believers and prophets

Parents and their children, 

Families and relatives 

mankind and all creatures 

and specially 

between canonical Married couples. 

Renascent firefly 


I'm not a poet 

I’m the shouter of our global pains 

And looking for treatment. 

I'm shouting all the human pains, 

Poverty, discrimination, injustice. 

And all the pains are tolerable and curable 

Except the pain of deadly wars. 

I love peace and hate war 

And should shout to be involved in healing the world. 

As an afflicted soul, I cannot be calm 

and decorate my face with untruthful smiles. 

I'm not a poet 

And my wounded words are not poems. 

This bunch of words 

is the ashes of my burnt garden of pains, sobs, shouts, and tears.

My share of this world is only shouting,  

And the victims of the frequent wars 

are the bloody words of my shouts 

and a various collection of dead bodies  

are still marching in my volcano mind. 

I live with the grieves and pains of hopeless people 

and what I've learned from them is shouting. 

I'm not a poet and not want to be known so; 


But as the broken mirror of disasters and lost wishes 

I’m the silent and injured shouting of human misfortunes

and as much as I can I should shout 

to show the real face of the world to the world 

and looking for friends to spread love and peace. 


I'm not a leader nor a politician 

I am the old wound of humanity, 

and the injured emotions of all mothers  

who are still mourning for their killed dear ones. 


War is ugly but defense is Holy and Beautiful 

and a cultural defense is the best. 

I am a survivor of imposed wars 

I hate War but if the enemies impose us another war

I’ll fight against them with all my heart, as the past

to be sacrificed for my nation and mother-land. 

I’m not a poet but a broken mirror of wars 

And shout my pains in dumbness language 

And waiting for a remedy 

And know, I, myself is the remedy 

I should change and enlighten this dark world 

As much as a renascent firefly can. 

The root of peace 


The root of life tree is love 

Its trunk is peace 

Welfare, security and calmness are its leaves and fruits. 

A tree without trunk hasn't any leaf and fruit or shade

The enemies of humanity usually cut and fell the trunk 

 But the root may remain alive 

and should be watered to grow up again 

So, the root of peace, security and welfare is LOVE

Which should be planted in the heart of the world. 


Insecurity is due to lack of Peace 

And lack of peace is due to lack of love 

If people love each other and try to spread peace, 

they will gain security and calmness. 


Think, you have everything 

Health, wealth, fame, family, and good friends

But if you haven't security, you have nothing. 


Our world has everything except peace and security 

And has nothing. 

God gives people everything 

But security should be created by them 

By planting love in societies and harvesting peace 

Which is the trunk of security and welfare. 

Security, calmness and certainty  

are indications of paradise in our life 

and this world is the farm of the next world 

and one who has been in HELL at this world 

will also be in fire after death. 

you may have not faith in Judgment Day 

but you have faith in love, peace, security and welfare 

everyone needs these heavenly gifts in this world 

So, in this field they are our well-wisher friends. 

Global peace might be regarded as the most impossible desire

But this is our simplest and attainable hope. 

nothing on the earth is more beautiful than peace 

and this is our heavenly wealth 

which we like to give to the world 

if they want to taste the rapture of peace beauties. 

all human beings love peace 

so all of us are of the same mind and idea 

but liking peace is not enough 

we should try and pray for establishing peace 

and improve and protect it. 

and everybody who does so 

is our coreligionist. 

Missing Link 


We were each other in our childhood  

and nothing could separate us 

Even borders, walls and barbed wires 

But the warlords stole our sincere love 

And sold their warfare products to us 

And we began to kill each other. 

now, nothing can join us 

except that stolen and missing love 

which is the God-sent-key for paradise of union, 

and the missing link of fortune. 

Let's make our holy sincere nests 

In our twisted arms and united chests. 

we are alike 

We are really the same 

We are each other 

Even behind borders, walls and barbed wires 

But still according to death traders: 

we are (enemies of) each other. 

let's return to our childhood love-land 

and change our minds to change the world’s fate  

and enjoy ourselves in such a heavenly state. 

let's let love start us anew 

and reborn us at the mind of our childhood shiny orchards. 


Peace thunders 


We were chained lions and caged eagles 

Under the persecution of tyrants. 

We battled bravely for freedom and peace 

Some of us were injured, arrested or killed 

And some never returned to their homes. 

But finally we defeated two brutal and blood thirsty dictators 

And obtained our bloody victory, 

not cheap and easy but as valued as our lives. 

Peace is a natural reward of our resistance 

That The Almighty God gave us. 


Because of resistance and peace 

Now we are at the peak of our power, 

And protect our costly peace to the last drop of our blood 

But we like to share our expensive peace 

with other nations, not by force, but with love. 

The enemies of humanity have imposed us wars 

but we have imposed peace to them 

They try to convince the people 


that there isn't any enemy and enmity in this world

but people know that enemy and enmity 

is the realest fact in our world. 


peace is a two-sided flag 

love and hate 

loving peace and its friends 

and hating its enemies. 

The tyrants want to decrease the right-seeking-movements

but we want to increase Peace thunders 

Because we enrich the divine love 

and produce peace 

and export it to the peace-seeker-heart of the world. 

Avant-garde Scarecrows 


Days, years and centuries 

Are passing without any change 

in the mind of Scarecrows 

who cannot think of changing their world. 


From when we opened our eyes just saw bloodshed

and became accustomed to death plays 

If we don't hear the news of crimes, one day 

We think something horrible happened to our Earth.

We are drowning in the stinking ocean of politics

until death comes 

and take us to the land of forgetfulness. 

Who can change the world? 

In this horrible and insecure situation 

by means of these simplest words and structures? 

Even though we cannot change anything in the world 

At least we can change our thoughts 

And if all of us change ourselves 

The world will be changed consequently. 

All of the miseries of the world is due to lack of love 

And if the people love each other their miseries will end soon,

That's the miracle of LOVE. 


Our enemies declare that the world cannot be changed 

And no one can save the world 

And changing it, is sin 

They implanted this destructive idea in the hemispheres minds To 

change people into some Avant-garde Scarecrows and vertical


with no thinking about prosperity, 

And with no responsibility for the global pains, 

But lastly we will change the world 

Because we are The Superior of the Creatures 

Not Scarecrows. 

Bloodless Victory 


I'll conquer the world  

Without expense, troops and weapons 

My army is so strong that will smash all the world's military

forces if they do hostility. 


My armies will eliminate discrimination and injustice. 

All of the armies of the world 

Except aggressors, are under my celestial flag. 

My holy and peace keeper armies are emancipators and

Protectors of peace 

and the hearts of people around the world are in my camp. 

All human beings like beauty 

And the most beautiful thing in the world is peace

-the greatest gift of the God to humanity- 

And my armies give the same gift to people, 

So all of my armies are cooperators of the Creator

And people love them as they love The Almighty God. 


The thirsty world is waiting 

And counting the moments to hug me 


The masterpiece of Creations 

The Spirit of the Universe 

The heritage of all the apostles 

The main Reason for constructing the creation 

The guarantor of prosperity and human happiness 

And provider of security and lasting peace. 

I will make borderless world, without continents 

Black and white, rich and poor are alike 

And the First and Third Worlds do not exist in my heavenly


I'll make all people the lovers of God 

In my authority all the creatures, particularly human beings

will experience the real taste of life 

I hate war beginners and aggressors 

And they hate me 

I'm love 

And will soon celebrate my bloodless Victory 

Upon the graves of my martyred lovers. 

Satanic Scenarios 


It still rains hailstone in the orchard of moments 

And we are wandering among daydreaming nightmares 

Whose mouths are full of decayed crocodiles. 

In this dark vortex of bewilderment 

We grasp the stalks to rescue our remaining lives. 

That is what we have done, through centuries 

From sunrise to sunset, from dusk to dawn. 

It still rains hails 

On our emotion gardens 

And the innocent blossoms are under volley of bullets, 

while in the cozy backyard of UN 

The warlords are dividing the world between themselves,

This is not the first attack nor the last one to our villages and


And the scenario is continuing… 

Universal Peace Camp 


The appointed date was coming 

and I had prepared everything beforehand. 


The space was full of the sweet fragrance of relief 

And the waiting ages were over. 

The lovely signs of my beloved presence 

Were melting the hearts of heavenly lovers, 

And my lily emotion flowers were playing with stars 

And I smelled the aroma of their thoughts, 

And touch their enviable heartbeats. 

The holy mosque of Jamkaran 

was the Campsite of the weekly meeting of global peace lovers as 

the representatives of all cities and nations  

who talked to each other in their common mother tongues: The 

forgotten dialect of tears and smiles. 


Anyway, my fantastic bliss was face to face me;  

But I didn't know how to behave and what to say. 

What affecting word should I put in advance? 

Which one of my complaint stories should be narrated? 

How could I express my desires and requests? 

What would I..? Which could I..? How did I..? 

I was surrounded by wordless hopes and wishes. 

So I closed my eyes to concentrate on my new fate. 

meanwhile i heard the lovers’ whispers and prays: 

….O’ God help the heir of the Apostles 

    remove miseries from the world 

    write the best fortunes for human beings 

    We are waiting for your promised Savior 

    To set up justice and peace tent in the world 

    Help him complete all right deeds  

    And remove wrong manners 

    O’ God make his mission fast 

    And make people happy 

    And by him give security and calmness to all nations 

     O’ God give us a blissful life by him 

    And Show us that enlighten dear one 

    who will perform your rules in the world…. 

Doubtlessly he was among his lovers,  

And the population spirit 

was reflecting his same prays and universal wishes 

but I was selfishly involved with my personal desires. 

The borders of reality and superstations had been mixed 

And in this disordered ocean of illusion 

I was full of emptiness  

I was petrified and my stony brain was barren of decision. 

I looked like an icy statue in a frozen territory 

Meanwhile I felt a sincere warm healing stroke of sympathy 

in my iceberg's heart and 

trembled my heart 

And melt my soul  

And my tears flowed 

And a lantern lit in me 

I didn't know who hanged it to my ice-covered feeling tree? 

Who implanted it in my drought parting centuries? 

I had been sentenced to life  

And in this manner I was lanterned(!) to love. 

Oh fate, what did you do to my faith? 

Selfishness was my mistake in the previous dates 

The lantern was reviewing and correcting my errors 

Specially from Tuesday evenings to Wednesday mornings 

which was our new date. 

How this new meeting time was appointed? 

Perhaps none of the lovers knew 

But their presence at this appointment 

Was a sign of a general meeting and common wishes 

Who knows? But the lantern of my heart  

became brighter and more sensitive 

At these mysterious nights. 

Wasn't this night the sixth day of creation? 

I wouldn't understand these scarlet concepts 

But I learned a fact from the lantern's existence: 

A real lover should be as a lantern, 

silent, bright, and without any request. 

A lover should have many words to hear 

but no word to say. 

All of the lovely words of a lantern can be 

only a wordless greeting and nothing else. 

My lantern is now waiting for my new Date and Fate 

And by its enlightenment I know that 

The Savior is like the sun behind clouds 

And I should search his presence in his absence 

Since, he is apparent in the rain of tears, thunder of weeping, 

breeze of smiles and fountain of prays and worships, 

he is visible when and where The God is present, 

And if I want to be one of his truthful followers 

I should fall in love with existence, 

As all of his lovers. 



You are not a foreigner tourist; you are our familiar relative. 

You are not a stranger guest; you are our coexistent friend. 

You are not an unknown traveler;  

we are fellow travelers and fellow believers. 

We are travelers of the same road to truth and eternity. 

You are not an outsider passer-by; 

you are our compatriot in the borderless land of peace and love. 

We have been ancient companion of the same history and 


We are cognate words of the same divinely book. 

We live in the same earth, nature, world and UNIVERSE. 

I love the universe and all of its particles and its CREATOR. 

Our evergreen Heart is full of your Creator’s love. 

We are universally coexist relatives and everlasting friends. 

You are not a foreigner, nor a stranger or an unknown traveler; 

I invite you to our Seven Cities of Love, 

and receive you with our ancient and universal peace and 


we're waiting for you 

you're welcome… 


Money- worshippers 


Money, not only has occupied the place of humanity

But also the place of God in this world. 

Not only governments,  

But most of the people are also money- worshippers

And all of their social relations are based on money

In Addition to making wars, some governments

Also create terrorists and gangsters. 

The weapon maker factories  

are scenario-writers and stage directors of all killing scenes.

Death traders bring all criminals into being 

to spread insecurity, disorder and violence in societies 

only in a such space of horror and terror  

the weapon mafia can continue its demonic and dirty life

and we should change the space to love and peace 

to boycott the mafia trades. 

Seeds and Fruits 


Love is the seed of family 

Family is seed of society 

Society is seed of the world 

And the human beings are the fruits of these seeds. 


Mankind is a heavenly social being 

and needs laws, leaders and governments

most of which are chosen by people  

And they should act as the servants of people

But the state is upside-down 

After climbing up the ladder of votes 

they become masters of people. 

All people like to have power 

Some of them see the power in weapons 

some in wisdom and some in both 

As a matter of fact each person and nation 

Should be powerful to fight against aggressors 

But the real power is wisdom 

By which one distinguishes his enemies and friends 

To prevent wars and protect peace. 

All of the nations and religions are brothers 

and do not like to kill each other 

But the weapon-makers whose theory is 

“Divide and rule” 

Always put the flames of disunion and division

Between the nations and rule over them. 

They are always behind all these propaganda tricks 

And play a two-way role and rule: 

creating hot and cold wars 

Cold War in the mass media 

by destructing "family" and killing "real love" in societies

and the hot one by creating wars and clashes. 

After launching the civil and foreign wars. 

They sell their weapons to both sides 

and fulfill their wishes and goals. 

they kill the seeds of existence for their benefits. 

And people are always victims and slaves of The Media Empires . 

Vote or veto?! 


   Let's vote 

   God has given us the right to choose our own destiny 

  And it's our right to vote or veto. 

  War or Peace? 

   I vote on war against the enemies of peace 

  And veto peace against the friends of war. 

  And all universal free thinkers are our co-voters 

  With help of whom we will rebuild the United Nations laws

  And revive our human rights. 


Arbaeen[13] Referendum 


Clouds of flags on their shoulders 

The volcanoes are walking steadily 

And Euphrates flowing in their eyes. 

The sky is full of mourns 

And from time to time breaks into bursts. 

With no expectation of reward or income 

Through hills, deserts, villages and cities 

20 million lovers, men and women, old and young   pilgrims 

even barefoot, in cold and rainy roads 

are heading to love center of existence 

To attend the yearly ceremony of Master of Martyrs. 


They are completely armless and fearless 

And willingly passing through this sacred path 

Despite of having been threatened with bomb attackers 

And every moment a bomb may explode in their crowds.   

These self-created streams of pure feelings 

don't fit in the mind of the world 

and not be accorded with any formula and criteria. 

They are travelling to Karbala 

only for the sake of Love and Peace. 


This worldwide attendance and presence is 

The largest gathering of peace lovers in the world ever recorded 

The greatest meeting on anti-war, anti-terrorism and anti-violence 

The most popular meeting of human lovers and peace helpers 

They are the messenger of peace to all people and organizations 

But the blind imperialistic mass media   

censures these incredible global peace-seeking springs. 

this heavenly presence is an international referendum 

to vote to Love, peace, security and global unity 

They vote against the war and war-makers and terrorists. 

This epic presence vetoes the vote of the Media Empire 

and bypass the Global Domination System. 


This yearly lovingly and peaceful global gathering is held  

To remind the Martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS) 

Our killed dear Imam, the blood of The God 

And the spirit of our divine love and peace. 

They are real waiters of The Savior of humanity 

and trying to provide the base for peace and justice on Earth 

Without the help of governments and international organizations. 


This peaceful flood becomes greater and stronger every year 

And many hearts fly with them to Love-land of peace. 

not just in these forty days 

But during all our lives we live with his love.

Some may ask: 

Why mourning after 1,400 years? 

The response is shiny: 

-Because history is always repeating 

This is our epical presence 

With no war and bloodshed 

Without destruction and violence 

Without investment of global organizations. 

Doubtlessly, all free thinkers of the world  

may interpret and analyze this extraordinary event correctly:

Love is the final winner of all conflicts 

And Peace is the fulfilled Promised wish of humanity 

And the sun of truth and virtues is rising… 


And we're waiting to see The Sun of Truth . 


Heroes never die 


House is on Fire 

And the flames go to sky 

The sound of crying and moaning  

can be heard from inside 

People stand around 

And no one can enter in 

A mother and her two children are surrounded by fire

And the people around are praying for them 

And no one can help them, meanwhile 

The Fire Fighters arrive 

Two heroes go into the fire waves 

Mother and two children are saved with difficulty 

But at the last moment the house is ruined 

And one of the fire fighters remains under ruins

Other heroes go to help him 

But the hero has martyred. 

War is like this event 

The enemy burned our homeland 

And people were surrounded by fire 

The soldiers went to help them 

And saved people and the country 

But some soldiers were killed 

And burned in the flames of war 

And even their ashes never returned to their families.

They are always alive 

And never be forgotten 

They are heroes of our motherland 

And our heroes never die. 

The martyrs are alive forever 

they belong to all people 

And all people love them. 





The new generation of kids 


The kids are future-makers, 

They are garden of virtues 

and the polished mirrors of God's beauties 

but when they grow old forget their responsibilities

they leave their holy wishes in their previous paradise

and come to adult zone with no plan of future making

and deliver their childhood missions to their children.  


In adulthood they may be the enemies of each other 

and kill their friends and brothers 

even, they may become the enemies of existence  

or will be changed into, slaves, gladiators, terrorists and gangsters 

so, the task of future making will be postponed to next futures

and subsequently wars are continuing 

and the world is always in fire 

and fire is always in the world. 


Parents don't want their children be killed

But they unwisely buy them toy guns

And indirectly teach them violence 

And prepare them for future wars 

To kill and be killed. 


But I know a new generation of kids 

who forbid the use of war toys 

and by help of their parents and teachers 

have peace group in their classes 

and organize peace associations in their villages and cities

and weekly send peace improving letters 

to global and national leaders 

And have decided to run their peaceful dreams in adulthood. 


Children should be powerful 

and distinguish their friends and enemies.

They should be armed with wisdom 

And by means of their heavenly powers

Cultivate their motherlands 

With the peace flowers. 




The very tiny galaxy of our union beings 

whose lovely song is heard from all the things

only by love may be explored and discovered, a bit

a twinkling bit 

as little as the whole universe, not more! 



I've set up a small sky colored tent on the Earth 

As large as all lovers hearts 

There is enough space in my tent for all 

And no one occupies the place of others 

My tent is a base for World peace protectors 

to unite all other lovers of the world 

for promoting and spreading love and peace 

Against all enemies of humanity. 


I've raised the tent of my heavenly hopes 

On the disappointed heart of the world And 

hung in it my small lantern of love To 

praise The Creator of all creatures. and to 

help all peace-loving nations. 


I set up my peace tent 

And hung my lantern of heart at its ceiling  

And now I know that 

The lovers will come into it 

And hang their heart near my lantern 

it will be a worldwide tent with billions of love lanterns. 


My tent is the same heart that burnt in Ashoora And 

my heart is the same tent that burnt in karbala. 

The pearl 


When demons demonstrate their notions strongly 

Why don’t we introduce our faith simply? 

They changed the real function of 

Religions, arts and literature 

They want religions fight against each other, 

And arts be involved with sensual pleasures, 

And literature sings lullabies for napping people 

Thus, the freedom has been exiled to desert of loneliness

And the humanity has fallen into oblivion; 

In such an inversion mode 

there is no time to be romantic or pedantic. 

Let's introduce our faith clearly : 

Loving God and his creatures is its essence, 

The global unity is its spirit, 

the universal peace is its root, 

praying and trying to form a worldwide security is its aim,

and the best future for Human and Earth is its heavenly gift;

our belief is a heavenly pearl 

But when a pearl is handled and overused carelessly 

It may become dirty and broken, 

And our idea is the same pearl. 

Islam is peace and love 

But may be abused by some wrongdoers 

as all religions. 

New Slaves 


The slaves are subjects of ownership 

And as the animals, they can be sold, bought or Slaughtered

Or may be given to friends as gifts 

They only must live for the sake of their owners’ benefits. 

And ought to be happy and take pleasure from their dark lives.

As their Lords want, they should wear, eat, drink and copulate

to produce new slaves. 


Manufacturing Weapons of Mass Destruction 

is the greatest international trade 

and according to the new global discipline  

people are the slaves of these death-traders.  

who sell, buy or slaughter people as animals; 

And we contrary to their requests 

Should return to our aims of creation 

And live in peace and love 

To shut down their flourishing bloody international markets

And even to forbid the use of all their non-military goods

Especially war toys. 





Orchard of prophets 


As the honey bees 

every second thousands of God's angles visit my temple of heart

to drink the nectar of peace 

and make the honey of unity 

Existence is the God's land 

And God has sent many prophets to his lands 

Each of us is also one of the God's cultivated lands 

and the God has planted a prophet at our heart 

so none of God's lands is without prophet 

And our inner messenger is acquainted with those outer prophets

And both have the same aim, mission and interests. 

When we are not in Godly mode 

a prophet is caged inside our cell of Souls 

Or is chained in our prison of freedom 

As if, a paradise of unity would be exiled into our hell of


But when we feel affection for the unity in humanity   

Our inner prophet is inspirited by god 

And the paradise wakes, breathes and captures our hell. 


When we feel anxious about peace 

Or Feel the beauties of the global united smiles 

Or feel disgusted about people's miseries 

Our inner prophet is inspired

and re-appointed by God 

And our souls will be dominated by God's angels 

So, at these timeless moments 

we are the messengers of God 

and we should try to change the world prophetically.  

When we Godly think about the prosperity and fortune of others 

our Land of life will become Coaxial with existence 

and The Almighty God and all of his angels 

are our specific Helpers and Directors. 

In the mood of loving peace and hating war 

Each of our hearts is one of the sunflowers of Eden               

And the magnificent blossomed flowers of eternal paradise 

grow tall in our timeless moments. 

regardless of Nation, race and even religion  

we can be the earthly manifestation of God  

as the TREE of TuR[14] 


because we are not less than a tree but more than that. 




When we feel the God's everlasting art 

We are his prophet, at least in our land of life

And should change our world. 

In the most fertile lands of The Lord

Everything is ready. 

And we are created to change the world 

And our tomorrow should be better than today

And no one can help us except ourselves. 

"When there is a will, there is a way" 

So, pass through yourself  

And defeat yourself  

And win yourself 

And Love all nations and religions  

But If your home attacked by aggressors

Defend bravely Until the last drop of blood. 





The history of literature

has a friendliness feature.

The literature of history

Is an artificial creature 


The history of literature 

has been written by all lovers

the literature of history 

has been the dictate of rulers. 


The history of literature 

is so grace and sincere 

it is full of the nice words

such as "honey" and "my dear". 


The literature of history 

is filled with curse and terror

which was written dreadfully

by order of each Emperor. 


The coming day is based on

the history of literature

The literature may rescue

the history as a teacher. 


Here and there, wandering 

I’m looking for something 

A tree? A bird? I don ’t know. 

A polished mirror of love being. 


Oh, darling let me confess 

My ailment is lovesickness

Nothing can heal me, except

Your lovely charm and shyness 


Your life-giving two black eyes

That chasing me as spies 

are my missing keys of life 

by which I fly to skies 


Let them be cordial with me 

Let me sink in them freely 

No need to kill me, darling 

I have been “your eyes” devotee. 


Alive death 

The world is always inspired by God

And each of us is a unique alive death

Thus, he is the world 

But the world isn’t he. 

Couplets ( as Farsi Dobeyti )


Dobeyti is one the oldest form of Persian poetry which is flowing as

blood in the veins of Iranians. It's used by all classic and pop singers in

various musical divisions, and also in all social and religious

ceremonies. This simple and sincere form of Iranian poetry involves

the tragic and joyful memories of lovers and beloveds, wisdom,

philosophy and mysticism. Usually the fourth line of Dobeyti (which is

the last line) is more attractive than the three previous ones. Baba

Taher Oryan is the most distinguished Iranian poets in this field.  

The following verses are my experiences in composing dobeyti in

English and I know because of many differences in both Farsi and

English, these are neither as well as Farsi dobeyties nor the English

verses, especially regarding the English pronunciation which confines

the rhythm. 

These English dobeyties have been more interesting and amusing for

students of English and those who live abroad. Dobeyti should be read

as its Farsi equivalent, ignoring the rules of English pronunciation and

metric regulations. 

There are two oldest popular forms in Farsi literature which consist of

only four lines. They are more similar but have some differences in

rhythm and meter. The first one is dobeyti (the works of Baba Taher)

and the second one is Robaaee (the works of Khayam). 

Each dobeyti and robaae consists of four identical lines. In other

words, they have two lines, each one has two other half lines. They are

not similar to English couplet. Because a couplet consists of two lines

and the total lines may be more than four. But a dobeyti or a robaae is

not more nor less than four lines, and a complete meaning about an

event or emotional experiences should be put in these four lines. Each

line in Dobeyti consists of 11 short and long syllables but Robaaee has

more syllables and is a little complicated. 


havoc is your eternal architecture 

chaos , of your discipline , is a picture

a bit of your heavenly art , O  LOV E

frankly , is the cosmos structure 

11 June, 2006 

frames of love 

the existence aim is love, nothing else 

the death and  life name  is love,  nothing else

the being is a  lovingly film , by God

essence of each frame is love, nothing else 


from your  land, my love-bird , emigrate 

as if you are glad and will celebrate

never  I lose my oath and  loyalty 

even you increase your anger and  hate 


Lovers always have been distressful 

all  of  the hard-hearted are blissful

in spite of  sorrow and afflictions

love is so surprising and peaceful

Saturday,  10 June, 2006 


Fragrance of affection fill the garden 

News of your arrival heal the garden

Dear, if you delay, as past, at last 

The pain of loneliness will kill the garden. 


The night is an image of your black eyes 

One of your signs of face is the sunrise

The world is pilgrim of love’s shrine

Lover of my beloved, so, never dies. 


Autumn had rushed into my green heart 

Sorrow, painted gray, my garden of art

The rainfall of tears, God may bless it,

assisted my blossom how to start. 


Flames of your lovingly eyes will burn 

all of the interested hearts, in turn.

Seven billions sunken suns at last

Suddenly, be switched on by a lantern.

June /2005 


[1] - There isn't such a goddess in mythology; I used it to refer to a global need.

[2] - zen is a kind of meditation in Buddhism, but here is only a symbolic term for all 

kinds of intuition


[3] - A famous quotation from Islamic mysticism. 

[4] -[Quran -Al-Baqarah- 187]  …They are clothing for you and you are clothing for 


[5]- [Quran -Ar-rum- 21] And of His signs is that He created for you from 

yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between 

you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.

[Sahih International translation]

[6] - [Quran -An-nisa34] Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has 

given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their 

wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the  husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard…  [Sahih International translation] 

[7] -Gabriel is the most powerful angle of The God, and Gabriel 

feather is an idiom in Persian that points to shortage, insufficiency, scarceness and unavailability


[9] -The highest mountain peak and volcano in Japan. 

[10]  -The nuclear attacks on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 

August 1945during the final stage of World War II, by USA, which killed at least 

129,000 people.


[11] - Iran Air Flight 655 from Tehran to Dubai was shot down by USS Vincennes 

On 3 July 1988 which led to the loss of life of 290 innocent people from six 

nations including 66 children. There were 38 non-Iranians aboard. Certainly, the 

downing of flight 655 has been the deadliest tragedy in aviation history, but 

comparing to Hiroshima and nagazaki nuclear bombardment; it is the smallest 

crime of USA cruel rulers against humanity and existence.

[12] - Birthday of UN. 

[13]  - The Arbaeen Pilgrimage is the largest religious gathering that is held every year 

at the end of the 40-day mourning period following Ashura, the religious ritual for 

the commemoration of the Prophet Mohammad's grandson Hossein ibn Ali's 

Martyrdom in 680C.E. 

Arba'een marks a "pivotal event in history" in which the pilgrims make their journey 

to Karbala on foot, where Husayn ibn Ali, the third Imam of Shia, and his army were 

killed and beheaded by the army of   Yazid. 

Some of the pilgrims make their journey from cities as far as   Basra, about 500 km 

away by road. (source: Wikipedia)


[14]  - Now when Moses had fulfilled the term, and was travelling with his family, he 

perceived a fire in the direction of Mount Tur. He said to his family: "Tarry ye; I 

perceive a fire; I hope to bring you from there some information, or a burning 

firebrand, that ye may warm yourselves." 

But when he came to the (fire), a voice was heard from the right bank of the 

valley, from a tree in hallowed ground: "O Moses! Verily I am Allah, the Lord of 

the Worlds.... 

Quran: Sura AL-QASAS (THE STORIES) verses: 29 and 30 

Translated by: parsquran site,Yusufali.


انتشارات هدهد - Hodhod publication

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